Monday, November 14, 2011

An Update

Toiling along, fighting the good fight. 

I've decided to re-release Turning Springs between now and the end of the year.  The technology has gotten better and allows for bookmarked chapter headings.  It will allow for a few marketing changes as well.  Start over.  Almost clean slate.  I'm planning on releasing it in tandem with a hard copy (print on demand) through WordClay.  (Buy one, get the other free, maybe?  Haven't decided.) I'll need some time to stir up the marketing plan, but I hope to have all that done in the 1st quarter of 2012.

The short project is going well.  I'm writing the second to last chapter on Wednesday.  I'll probably serialize it a chapter at a time in this blog, but I'll offer it as a full download for a price on Smashwords.  That's the plan, anyway.  I don't have a timeline, but it should be through revisions and test readings in 2012 as well.

The long project is going especially well.  I've got my crazy-as-an-outhouse-rat antagonist, so now I'm set.  It'll take a while, but I'm hoping things ease up so I can finish it mid-2012.

Busy, busy, busy.  Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, John. You know your updates sound a lot like the ones for a group I'm in. Talk to me about it sometime, I think it might be a good fit for you.
