Sunday, July 10, 2011

Where I am thus far

I get points for persistence, right?  Checking in every six weeks or so (!) is good, right?  Better than not at all, rather.  This summer has been rough on my writing time, but I'm looking forward to a calm week.  Yes, I wrote that aloud and have surely damned myself to complication.  Just like the last...six weeks?  Well, I lived through that, so no harm in optimism.  At least it's too hot and dry to mow.

Little progress on any of the four parts of my projects, except for little dribs and drabs here and there. 

The long project is still sticky with the details, but it hasn't left my consciousness completely.  I keep having thunderbolt revelations about one or the other of the characters, so it's still building in the musty recesses of my brain.  It's just big and without a lot of attention, things are going to happen this way.  Remember, the ideal for me right now is to spend just one and a half hours on each project per week.  Tough to get a lot done that way, but I'm happy with something.  With my schedule, I pretty much have to be.

The short project is just the same way, although the dribs and drabs are producing more wandering from the plan than I like.  My last writing session involved scrapping much of what I'd done the session before and getting back on the plan.  Perhaps for the actual writing of a project, I need to set aside a full day's 1.5 hours rather than split it up, in order to maintain focus. 

And since I tend to focus on the writing before marketing Turning Springs or posting to the blogs (ahem), nothing whatsoever has been done on those, except some half-hearted work on a press release.  I'm not really comfortable with projects, so I tend to push those to the bottom of the pile.  Both of those items could benefit from a big chunk of time once a week rather than a couple of small chunks twice a week. 

Seeing a pattern here?  I am.  All of my projects could potentially be better served by working on them once per week for the full hour and a half allotted.  It's not like I'd lose track of what I did last, since I do keep a journal of what I do in each session.  And here I am at the start of a new week.  No better time to start to make things better than today.

Since I've nominated today as Blog Post Day, I'd better get cracking on Knews Not News, too.  Thanks for listening as I dissect my work habits to uncover the obvious.

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